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Partner of Aging Spouse

Partner of Aging Spouse

How lucky to be able to age with your significant other by your side. Yet even though you have provided for and attended to your spouse for years, maybe you find yourself slowing down enough to need some help.

Warning Signs

Have you noticed peculiar changes in your partner the past few months? Are they more confused? Have they gotten lost in places they once knew well? Do they forget people's names, or worse forget the person entirely? Are they more irritable than usual? As you and your spouse grow old together, it is at times easy to begin to overlook new issues that you see by simply hoping for the best, or by making excuses for your partner's behavior. While it may be difficult, the best thing you can do for your spouse is to not ignore things you feel in your gut to be "off".

Some of the more serious signs they need help are:

  • Getting lost while driving
  • More frequent fender-benders (or worse) while driving
  • Fighting to remember certain words begins to happen frequently
  • Forgetting family member names
  • Hallucinations or delusional behavior
  • Unable to pay bills and/or write checks
  • Less attention to their own personal hygiene

If you are nervous or unsure about speaking to your doctor, give us a call first. This is what we do for a living and we hope to help as many people in situations such as yours, as possible. The first step is often the hardest to take but it is the best thing you can do for your significant other.

3001 Chapel Avenue West, Suite 100
Cherry Hill, NJ 08002