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Children of Aging Parents

Children of Aging Parents If you are reading this, we can assume you have a parent, loved one or friend who appears to be acting a little "differently" lately?

Your first thought might be;
"Is this a sign of normal aging or is it something more?"

As we age, we all tend to lose a step or two when it comes to memory, reaction time and mental processing. That said, there are some key differences between what is considered normal aging and mental impairment. And while far from being an absolute identifier, there are some "red flags" that can be an indicator of more than simple aging (for a listing of a few of the more prevalent indicators, click here).

If you believe it might be time to seek help for your loved one, you are not alone. Tens of thousands of New Jersey residents are faced with needing assisted living services for in-home care of their family member. And while it may seem overwhelming, we are here to help. Together we can begin to put together an immediate plan to get you assistance for your loved one. It all starts with a phone call (for a quick overview of the process click here).

Sunlight Care is here to help. Having served thousands of New Jersey residents with aging related illnesses, from Gloucester County to Burlington County, and Camden County to Ocean County, we have been providing elder care companion services, live-in assistance and nursing car to those most in need.

Call us today -- we are here to help.

3001 Chapel Avenue West, Suite 100
Cherry Hill, NJ 08002